If your organisation uses delegation rules to determine the reviewers, approvers and signers in the Approve and eSign app, then your experience of the document workflow may differ. This document visualises the minor changes to your document workflow, as defined by your delegation rules.
This guide is best used for administrators configuring and wishing to visualise their delegation rules. If you're curious about the different options, then please read ahead, otherwise you may like to read up on our document upload process instead.
This guide is broken up into two sections:
Uploading a document with review defined by delegation rules
When your workflow is defined by delegation rules, they way that you upload your document and list out your document facts in step one of the document upload process will not change.
However where your inputs activate a pre-templated delegation rule, you will see additional functionality under the second Document workflow step.
For the review stage, the minor differences on the document workflow will depend on whether your delegation rules:
Using organisation roles to define reviewers
Where your delegation rule uses organisation roles to define reviewers, you will not have the option to edit the reviewers. The nominated reviewers will be automatically notified based on their role in the platform.
Using organisation roles to define reviewers is the default option in Plexus that's seen even where there aren't any delegation rules activated for a workflow.
Using pre-defined reviewers
When the activated delegation rule has pre-defined reviewers, there are specific non-editable name/s under the reviewers section. You won't be able to change these, however you will be able to Notify another reviewer in this stage should you wish.
You will also be able to send a personalised message to each recipient.
Note that whilst you can notify multiple people in the review stage, only one person needs to accept review in order to progress the document to the next defined stage of the workflow.
Select the reviewers from a limited list
Where the active delegation rule allows you to select the reviewers from a list, you will be prompted to choose a specific name from a dropdown.
Once you have chosen at least one person from the limited list, you will be able to assign additional reviewers beyond that limited list. These additional reviewers must be internal users only, though they can exist outside of your legal team if required.
You will also be able to send a personalised message to each recipient.
Note that whilst you can notify multiple people in the review stage, only one person needs to accept review in order to progress the document to the next defined stage of the workflow.
Uploading a document with approve or sign defined by delegation rules
Where your inputs activate a pre-templated delegation rule for the approve or signing stage, you will see additional functionality under the second document workflow step for those stages. The minor differences on the approve or sign workflows will depend on whether the delegation rules:
Pre-defining a set of approvers and signers
When approvers and signers are pre-defined, the delegation rules will list out specific non-editable recipients on the workflow.
You will not be able to remove the pre-defined users from the list, however you can change the ordering of the approvers and signers.
You will also be able to further add approvers or signers to the workflow as required.
Select the approvers and signers from a limited list
Where the active delegation rule allows you to select the reviewers from a list, you will be prompted to choose a specific name from a dropdown.
Once you have chosen at least one person from the limited list, you will be able to Add approvers or signers beyond that limited list.
The additional approvers or signers can be found from a list of all internal users, or manually added as an external recipient, provided that you have access to the external recipient's full name and email address.
You will also be able to send a personalised message to each recipient.
Click Next once you've finalised the rest of your document workflow.
Combined delegation rules
Delegation rules created after 30 March 2022 will allow for combinations of templated users across the review, approve and sign stages. Should your inputs initiate a combination of delegation rules, you may like to see the explanation here for more information.
Without delegation rules
Without delegation rules, you will be able to nominate to send a document to the default reviewer roles.
You will be able to type in and select the names of internal approvers or signers from a list. Alternatively you will be able to type out the full names of any external approvers and signers.
The signature locations and document alerts continue to function as per the standard intake form process regardless of the delegation rules.
Note that if your selections initiate a delegation rule that previously specified a reviewer, approver or signer who is now disabled from the platform, you have the choice to:
Get in contact with your legal team so that they can amend the rule (recommended)
Choose your own reviewer, approver or signer from a list of all users in your organisation to proceed instead.
Need assistance? Reach out to [email protected] or use the chat bar to the bottom right hand side of the screen.