Training ideas

Stuck on ways to keep up engagement on your training sessions? Here are a few ways that you can switch things up.

Samantha Szadovszky avatar
Written by Samantha Szadovszky
Updated over a week ago

Individuals and teams within your organisation are unique and therefore their learning styles will be too. Thinking about the size of the groups and the different personalities that you might encounter may directly impact how you might engage your wider organisation when rolling out Plexus.

Below, you'll find a list of different ways that you might engage the stakeholders across your organisation.


A presentation should inform required parties and should acknowledge what's in it for your stakeholders. Think about how this might differ across divisions.

One-to-many training session

This training session typically involves a presenter sharing their screen to walk through the system. Ample time should be left towards the end of the session to answer questions.

Interactive training session

Best for smaller groups or kinaesthetic learners, you may like to talk through the process to upload a document or create a new legal support request. Each user should have access to their own accounts to follow along and upload their own files into the platform.

Lunch and learn

This allows teams to gather informally. Often the presenter might provide a catered lunch or snack to nibble on whilst talking through the training content.


Answers any questions that popped up in previous sessions.

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