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Deleting documents

This guide highlights how to delete a document from Plexus

Samantha Szadovszky avatar
Written by Samantha Szadovszky
Updated over 2 months ago

Where possible, we encourage uploading new versions of documents instead of deleting them. This approach maintains a complete version history and ensures all actions are captured in the audit trail.

However, there may be instances where deleting a document is necessary.

Pre-requisites for deleting documents

The pre-requisites for deleting documents will depend on whether the document is executed or not.

  1. Non-executed documents: You can delete any document you have authored, provided that the file is not executed.

  2. Executed documents: Executed documents can only be deleted if the following conditions are met:

  • The user has access to the document.

  • The user has the “Can delete document” permission.

This approach ensures that all executed documents remain a reliable source of truth for organisations needing access to their signed contracts.

Top tip! Typically, the person with access to delete executed documents is a lawyer or platform administrator. Permissions to delete executed documents are managed through the Roles section of the platform.

Deleting documents

To remove a document from the system, follow these steps:

Step 1. Open the document from your Document list.

Step 2. From the resulting page, click the Actions button in the top right hand corner of your screen.

Step 3. Select Delete document.

Top tip! Any associated sub-documents and internal documents will automatically delete upon deletion of the main document.

You may also like to review this guide to pause or cancel a workflow instead.

If you do not have permissions to delete a document, reach out in our live chat or e-mail [email protected].

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