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Editing your matter details

Make quick updates to the key facts and core details for your matters

Samantha Szadovszky avatar
Written by Samantha Szadovszky
Updated over 10 months ago

Plexus makes it simple to update the key details of your matter as the details change over time, or as that matter progresses.

Whilst some functionality is limited to the legal team only, all parties with access to the matter will have visibility across the changes made, allowing for transparency across all stakeholders. Visibility is determined by the

Once you've located your matter from your matters list, you may like to make quick updates to the matter. This guide will detail how to:

Note that some functionality can only be updated by members of the legal team. You can update your legal team users from the matter categories page.

For lawyers with access to our AI draft advice feature, you may like to review this guide for additional information on viewing draft advice.

View or update the status

From the Matter Details page, there are quick buttons to alter the status. For example, if a matter is Open, you'll have a quick button to Mark in progress.

And if a matter is In progress, you'll have a quick button to Mark as closed.

You can also update the status of the matter from the dropdown.

A status can be changed from:

  • Open

  • In progress

  • Waiting (internal)

  • Waiting (external)

  • Closed

  • Cancelled

When required, any member of the legal team is able to delete a matter from the Matters list.

View or update the priority

Updating the priority of a matter is limited to the legal team only. However, all business stakeholders can view any changes to the priority from the matter details page or activity feed. This allows teams to have a clear idea around legal team resource allocation.

If you are a legal team user, you can update the priority of the matter from the dropdown. This change will be visible to all stakeholders with access to the matter. From the priority field, you can prioritise a matter with any of the following options:

  • Low

  • Medium

  • High

  • Urgent

Update the due date

You can edit the due date using a calendar picker. Use the arrows to toggle between the months, and select your new due date as required.

You can also click Today to toggle to today's date in the calendar. Note that any date in the future will show in blue, whereas an elapsed date will show in red.

Assign stakeholders to the matter

The legal team can assign a matter to anybody in their organisation from the Assigned To dropdown. Any user who's assigned will have visibility of the matter, its key facts, activity feed and supporting materials.

The legal team can click the + icon next to any existing assignees.

Then start typing a name to search through a list of eligible users from across your organisation. Select a name from the list to proceed.

You can assign a matter to a single user, or multiple users of the platform if required.

To un-assign a user from a matter, click the user's initials, then click Unassign user.

Or click the X if you have changed your mind and no longer wish to make edits here.

This field is only edited by the legal team, however it is visible to all parties with access to the matter.

Locating the Matter ID

The Matter ID is a unique number that is allocated to each new matter created in Plexus. It can be used to reference your matter both for support reasons, and on paperwork that might reside outside of the platform.

There are two places to locate your Matter ID on the Matter Details page.

  • In the top right hand corner of the page

  • Underneath the key facts

The format of the Matter ID is:

  • The prefix PLX-

  • A set of letters and numbers unique to your organisation, i.e. ENU-

  • A chronological set of numbers i.e. 123

The Matter ID is also visible from the Matters list.

Editing key facts

To edit the description, hover over the existing text field to click into it.

You may also hover over and click into each of the key facts to edit further details directly.

Any field that turns blue when hovered over is editable. Click to make your changes, and then click enter, or navigate away from the textbox with your mouse to save.

You can also edit these select facts from the Matters list.

Note that key facts displayed with a lock are non-editable.

If you have any custom questions for matters, these will display in a non-editable Additional facts section.

If you have answered AI-Generated Questions as part of your legal support request, these will show in a table underneath your key facts. The answers will also be summarised for your company's lawyers using AI Draft Advice.

Read on for more information about the Document view or commenting on the Activity feed.

Still need help? Reach out to [email protected] for more information.

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