Introducing the Plexus dashboard
The Plexus dashboard is the first page that you'll see when you first log into Plexus.
From this page, you can easily access:
Your available apps
Your main menu
Notifications, recently accessed documents and your matters where applicable.
Top tip! Where you are assigned to multiple organisations, you will need to select the organisation before you see this page.
Accessing your apps
You can click into any app to start your desired workflow. Certain apps may be shown or hidden depending on your permissions, and depending on how your organisation uses Plexus.
You may like to read up on:
If your organisation has any custom applications featured on your dashboard, your organisation will have its own documentation for you to reference internally.
Quick access to your activities
At the bottom of your dashboard, you will have access to:
Notifications for documents
Recently viewed documents
My matters - where you have the Request legal support tile enabled
If you don't have access to Matter management, you'll see a reduced view like this.
Accessing notifications
For each notification found on the dashboard, you'll see a hyperlink to the document you need to action and quick buttons to action your notification.
Using the dropdown, you can filter from All notifications to something more specific.
If you action documents, we recommend using filters such as:
Needs my review
Needs my approval
Needs my signature
If you are a document owner who needs to follow up on the status of documents that you have sent, then you might benefit from the filters:
Out for approval
Out for signature
Expiring soon
You can also delete the notifications from here, though you'll still be able to access each file from the Documents list, or from your email notifications.
Accessing recently viewed documents
For each recently viewed document, you'll find a hyperlink to that document and its current workflow status.
Finding my matters
Where you have Matter management enabled for your organisation, you'll find a third panel for your matters where you'll have a hyperlink to access that matter and the current status of that request. At the bottom of the panel, you'll have quick access to View all matters.
Navigating your main menu
The main menu is located to the left of your screen on each and every page. Whilst shown as expanded on the dashboard, you'll often find it collapsed elsewhere in the platform.
The collapsed view is handy once you've found your feet, but whilst the menu options are unfamiliar to you, you may like to toggle between the expanded and collapsed menus by clicking the hamburger icon.
From top to bottom, you can find the following menu items:
Dashboard - quick access to the page you're currently on
Matters - where matter management is turned on for your organisation, quick access to the matters you have access to
Documents - quick access to the documents that you have access to
Apps - find all Plexus apps in a handy dropdown
Insights - super users gain access to reporting across the platform
Settings - super users gain access to settings and user management
Platform tours - all users have access to quick, basic platform tours
Knowledge centre - long-term established clients may have access to their own articles via the Knowledge Centre. Otherwise this is turned off.
Help articles - quick access to our help articles is found from here.
Inviting users to Plexus
You can invite your colleagues to start using Plexus from the top right hand corner of your screen.
Managing your profile
You can also manage your profile by clicking your initials in the top right hand corner of your screen.
From here, you can:
Preview the organisation unit - this is the unit that you are currently logged into, and may affect document visibility
Manage profile - the same access to your profile as provided in the main menu.
Switch organisation unit - for those with access to multiple organisations, you can also switch between organisations from here.
Log out - Sign out of Plexus
Using the live chat
Live chat is the easiest way to gain access to 24/7 support via Plexus. Access the live chat by clicking the blue bubble in the bottom right hand corner of any screen on Plexus.
We hope that you're feeling a little bit more comfortable with the dashboard! For further assistance navigating your dashboard, please reach out to our support team via live chat or e-mail [email protected].