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How to run promotions with a Refer a Friend Mechanic
How to run promotions with a Refer a Friend Mechanic
Khris Malatumbaga avatar
Written by Khris Malatumbaga
Updated over a week ago

Collecting entrant's friend's email address/full name NOT allowed: Conducting a promotion which requires an entrant to provide their friend's personal details (e.g email address, full name) and then subsequently send the entrant's friend an email is in breach of the Spam Act.

You CAN ask the entrant to share unique URL to entry form with their friend: To get around the above restriction, you can alternatively provide an entrant a unique URL to the entry form site to share with their friend/s. In this respect, the promoter will not breach the Spam Act requirements.

LOW RISK to collect entrant's friend's FIRST NAME only

It is low risk to ask the entrant to provide their friend's first name ONLY on entry, as it most circumstances this information will not be able to personally identify one individual.

Example of Breach of the Spam Act

McDonald's was warned by the applicable regulator (ACMA) for sending emails to users’ friends using the McDonald's ‘send to friends’ facility (which promoted games and activities) without ensuring that friends consented to receive these emails.

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